Tag Archives: future

Future is the ‘IT’ word

DMC 3B 04 – Class of 2009/2010

Hello once again!

For the past week, I had witnessed 5 other presentations other than mine being presented during our NCT class.
All I can say is that it really opened my eyes to the possibilities of the future.
Like…how the future of Advertising, Public Relations, Journalism, Books, Learning and Music will be like.

My group of course did The Future of Music Industry.
I’ll talk about that later.

For the future of advertising, my classmates, Trixia, Cassandra and Li Ting showed us this awesome video.
There’s a billboard in America I think which bleeds!
Freaky? It’s supposed to remind people about road accidents or something.
And guess what? That advertising campaign was a success!
So how it works is that when it rains and the billboard gets wet, red colour dye just flows out of it.(*I believe that’s how it works*)

Oh, and what’s the future of advertising you might be wondering? Well, how about being able to touch, taste, smell, (*and what other senses are there again..*)..?
If you think about it, it might just be possible. Except I don’t see how you can actually taste something before buying it. Oh wait a minute, you can…in the form of sampling.

I think what might possibly happen is customised advertising. Like those you see in Minority Report. Where the ad will just call out to you by your name. But I think it’ll be really noisy. I don’t know.

This post is going to be really long if I start judging everybody’s presentation. So I shall just pick out a few.

The future of Journalism. An interesting point that was raised was regarding Citizen Journalism which I find to be quite interesting. It basically means normal people like you and me giving your own story which I think is something that we do best and requires no formal degree whatsoever.

When I really think about it, what if one day people don’t really need to get news from journalists?
I think one day, you might have like a chip inside you which works like RSS feeds.
You’ll just get news inside you.
Weird but yeah.

The following day, Friday, it was the remaining 3 groups to present on the future of everything else.
First we had The Future of Books.
Well, in summary, real physical books might be replaced by e-books.
Oh, and while the group (William, Shawn, Kevin and Matthew) was presenting, we had interesting tweets.
A few people confessed how much they like the smell of books including me!
I thought I was the only weird one.
So yeah, I think that’s something an e-book can never have.
But then again, I’m not much of a reader.

And now let me talk about my group’s presentation which was on The Future of Music Industry.
I thought it went pretty well.
Except that we might have messed up on our Q & A.
But nonetheless, I thought the researching part really gave me a lot of ideas of what’s going to happen in the future.
It’s sad that CDs might just disappear.
I mean, I love CDs.
I love to smell it (ok..I am OFFICIALLY weird), feel the sleeve and then put it back in its plastic packaging.

I remember I once talked about music during my Sec 3 oral exam.
I said when I listen to a song, I would imagine the artist singing it to me especially when I purchase the album.
It’s like a sense of satisfaction. Something that digital downloads can never do. Oh well, I spoke too soon.

I also came across tips on what an artist should do to survive the future of music industry.
I think it’s brilliant.
I should sign up for MySpace and put my music out there.
And who knows, I might be the next Colbie Caillat. (*or not*)

Ms Kwa made every group get their photo taken after each presentation.
And before we leave, we took a class photo which you see above.
This might be my last NCT post.

Oh, and in the final class this Thursday, I will be having my individual presentation.
Final day of school, final presentation.
It’s gonna be a day of final-ise everything.

Alright then.

Before I end the post, I will like to say that if you want to be an artist, don’t wait for popularity contests. Do it ONLINE.
Try MySpace, YouTube..oh, oh..SellaBand is cool.
Google them.
Lets not be lazy.

Till next time!

Wally Khun Cyrus

signing off.